One day, an orphan boy named Ethan was wandering around the dark caves of Honga. Then he saw a fire breathing dragon and it tried to shoot him with his deadly flames! He ran to a tiny crease in the wall hoping he was alone at last, but he was wrong. He saw a sorcerer with a staff that had blue sparkling gem on top. The sorcerer jumped down from a high ledge and said, “You boy. Come closer towards my light. My eyes aren’t as good as yours you know.”
Then Ethan came closer to the sorcerer, and the sorcerer said, “What are you doing out here boy you are trespassing.”
“Well um... I’m looking for someone who I can live with.” said Ethan in reply.
“You can live with me boy if you’d like, but you must prove yourself worthy.” said the sorcerer.
“Oh thank you so much. Um... I still don’t know your name.” said Ethan.
“My name is Ember, I am a sorcerer of good magic.” said Ethan’s new guardian. “Ethan lets go back to my house for some crumpets and tea.” said Ember.
The two of them were walking along a nice long narrow path, when Ethan heard a voice, a beautiful voice singing a song of love and peace. Then out of nowhere a lovely young girl, with long blonde hair with cherry red lips said, “Hello Ethan. Come to my hut and we can have some soup.”
So then Ethan went to the hut with Melody. Melody locked the door behind her, and Ethan took a seat. Then Melody walked into the kitchen telling Ethan she was going to get the main meal of their dinner, soup. So Melody walked into the kitchen and drank her daily potion, the potion turned her into her true self. After she drank it she walked out as an evil demon of death. She had black wings, a red pitchfork tail, and bronze, metal legs. Then all of the sudden Ember smashed through the door coming to save Ethan!
“Get back you evil demon! Ethan get behind me.”
“Well, well, well. What have we here. Ember the famous sorcerer and his new apprentice.” said the demon.
“Medusa, Ethan has nothing to do with you. So you should leave him alone.” said Ember.
“I need his powers to take over the world!” she said slyly.
“Um... Ember what is she talking about. I don’t have any powers. I’m just a regular stable boy.”
“That is not true my dear boy. When you were very young, your parents got into some dangerous magic. They tried doing some of it at home not thinking it would harm you, but they were wrong. You crawled in front of them as they did a spell that would give someone powers to live forever.” explained Ember, as he looked at Ethan’s blank expression on his face.
“I thought you would do that.” said Ember. “But this is no time for games. I have to get you out of here before Medusa drains your powers. We have to leave right now.”
Ethan didn’t have to be told twice. He was running towards the door right as Medusa jumped in front of him, and kicked him to the ground. ”No one is leaving until I am more powerful than everyone in the entire universe.” said Medusa as she quickly walked to where Ethan was laying as limp as a twig.
Then Ember shot her with a ball of plasma and he grabbed hold of Ethan and transported them both back to the village. When they arrived they found out that the word had spread about Ethan’s powers. The townspeople started to surround Ethan and Ember. They started chanting that Ethan should be executed so that he wouldn’t use his powers against them. One of the townspeople got a hold of Ethan and started to drag him into the crowd of people.
“Help! Ember help me!” Ethan was crying. The people put him into the dungeon and were going to execute him the next day!
“No worries boy I’ll be right...” Suddenly a loud hissing noise filled the air.
“No Ember, you aren’t going to save the day as you always have. You will be put into a special cell that will drain your powers, just like the cell that Ethan is in, you know that little apprentice of yours.” She said with a hiss.
“You keep your bloody hands off him. You hear me don’t touch him.” Ember said as he was being locked into his cell.
“Oh don’t worry Dearest, I’ll keep him nice and weak once I drain his powers.” she said slyly. A sudden whirring sound started when Ember was locked into the super cell.
“Ahhh... Perfect the draining process works.” Medusa said as she was walking away from him.
Then one of her minions pressed a button that shot Ember up into the air while he was still in his cell. “Now everyone can see you as you grow so weak.” said Medusa with a smirk.
“Why do those people obey you? Aren’t they afraid that if they do something wrong you will execute them like you are going to do to Ethan.” Ember asked.
“No, those silly people have taken a potion that lets them only see me in my human form. That’s why when I ran for their dumb election on who would rule the land, they thought: Well she’s just a poor innocent girl. Of course I’ll vote for her, and that is how I became their leader.” she explained.
“Well Medusa you know I’m jealous of those people.”
“Why, because they’re free?” she said with a loud cackle.
“No, because they don’t have to see you like this. You are hideously ugly.” said Ember with a wide grin when he saw Medusa’s furious expression.
“Don’t you know two can play at this game she said as she hit a button. Then, a giant screen popped up out of the desk. On the screen was a cell similar to the one that Ember was currently in, but instead Ethan was inside of it with his arms and legs chained to the cell walls. He was moaning something and he looked straight at Medusa and Ember and mouthed the words: Goodbye Ember.
Ember looked at Ethan’s pale face and found himself crying for Ethan. Medusa noticed this and said, “Well, since you have feelings for him lets watch him slowly ever so slowly perish.” she said with an evil laugh. She pulled a green lever that brought Ember a chair and tightly buckled him into it. Then, she hit a red button that chained Ember in so that he couldn’t move an inch except for maybe breathing. From thence forth Ember had to watch Ethan as he slowly lost his power, but when Ethan looked like he was ready to die at that very moment a blue light exploded from the cage.
Ember was released from the chair and the chains, and he cast a spell and the glass surrounding him shattered. He searched the room, but he didn’t see a sign of Medusa she must of taken off towards the explosion. Ember soon caught up to her and beat her to the broken cell. Ethan was standing in mid-air and had some kind of force-field around him. He was still there when Medusa cast a dark spell at the hovering boy. The spell bounced off the force-field and aimed itself at Medusa. With amazing aim it hit Medusa and she was frozen right then and there. Ethan slowly came down to the ground. When he hit the ground he fell, and Ember rushed over to where Ethan was lying.
“Did we win?” asked Ethan in a soft voice almost a whisper.
“Yes we won and you unlocked a new power. You triggered a energy bomb when you were weak.” Ember said with a grin.
“Is Medusa gone, is she... dead?” Ethan said with a worried expression.
“Yes boy. She is dead. She sent a spell at your force-field and it came back and hit her and she was petrified and is now frozen in time.” said Ember. At this Ethan smiled and was surprised that he had done such a thing.
“Promise me Ember, when I die that you’ll bring my body back to my old home. Just promise me.” Ethan said feebly.
“Don’t worry Ethan you aren’t going to die. Just stay with me, you hear me stay alive.” Ember said with a hint of anger in his voice.
“Don’t be mad Ember. Everyone dies sometime. Please don’t be mad that I might leave Earth, but it doesn’t mean I’ll be gone forever. I’ll be right in here.” he said as he pointed to Ember’s heart.
“Don’t leave Ethan, please don’t leave.” he said with sorrow. It was too late, Ethan had already left Ember. That day was a day of sorrow and mourning, Ember as promised brought Ethan’s body back to his old home. He had put together a funeral the next day in memory of Ethan. Ember was the only one there at this mourning funeral.
That very day a burst of life came from the tomb. Inside the tomb was a boy, a boy that once had explored the caves of Honga, seen a fire-breathing dragon, and had fought an evil demon. This boy’s name was Ethan and he became one of the most powerful sorcerer’s in the world just because of one very powerful thing, and that thing my friend is the love that Ethan had for Ember.
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