Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Spazzing 4th Graders

by Analise and Carly

This is a story about two girls from a world called reality being forced to meet with these creatures from a whole other spaztastic world! This world is called fourth grade. This world is not only a spaz filled chaotic mess but the teachers and other faculty aren’t great either.The faculty don’t try to calm down the people that spaz. Well I shouldn’t say that because they do stop the people that are crazy or many that we like. We have so many people that spaz in fourth grade. Well so many is really an understatement because it’s more like everyone. A common fourth grade spaz is if you jump out of your chair and scream in the middle of class. If you are wondering yes that has happened. Fourth graders are super crazy like that. Well enough of that now lets take a deeper look into this “spaztastic” world.

One day the two girls were at school just being normal. Then out of the blue they were  attacked. The two girls were swinging on the swings like normal girls, then someone had a spaz attack and was running toward them! What these two girls were witnessing was a major spaz attack! The girls didn’t know what to do because they have never encountered someone having a major spaz attack, but they had a pretty good idea. They got off the swings as fast as they could, and started spazzing with that person. Thus began these girls’s spazzing career. The girls became so popular at school because they were known to spaz. This super sense of spazzing displayed had rubbed off on these poor little normal girls. These girls were spazzing with everyone. Ever since then these girls have been major spazzes, they were spazzing everywhere. These girls had friends everywhere. Spazzing seemed to be a big hit with everyone. Soon spazzing became the new word in fourth grade. Everyone said it and everyone knew about it. All the kids would say for example, “Fred stop spazzing”! Some kids like Mitch did not like it. Mitch would yell, “I am not spazzing”! What made it funny was his face. Mitch’s face would turn bright red. He would crinkle it up like a pug and yell at you. But then of course he would get in trouble for screaming. Then he would just yell at the teacher behind his back. Well that’s some examples of fourth graders and their thorough spazzing.

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